Sobre a Dougllas Santos Martins

Nós fornecemos alimentos preparados de qualidade, focando no consumo domiciliar, garantindo sabor e praticidade para sua mesa todos os dias.

Various processed foods are arranged in two containers. On the left, there are pink, star-shaped pieces and round pink and white pieces with stars in the center. On the right, there are sausages and breaded skewers.
Various processed foods are arranged in two containers. On the left, there are pink, star-shaped pieces and round pink and white pieces with stars in the center. On the right, there are sausages and breaded skewers.
A person is holding a container filled with a variety of foods which includes fresh green lettuce, tomato, cucumber slices, rice, and a mixture of fried or sautéed elements. The person is wearing a dark apron over a light-colored, patterned long-sleeve shirt.
A person is holding a container filled with a variety of foods which includes fresh green lettuce, tomato, cucumber slices, rice, and a mixture of fried or sautéed elements. The person is wearing a dark apron over a light-colored, patterned long-sleeve shirt.
An open refrigerator with various packaged food items on display, including instant meals and canned goods. A person wearing a brown sweater and jeans is crouching next to the open door, possibly looking at the lower shelves.
An open refrigerator with various packaged food items on display, including instant meals and canned goods. A person wearing a brown sweater and jeans is crouching next to the open door, possibly looking at the lower shelves.

Nossa Missão e Visão

Comprometemo-nos a oferecer alimentos preparados que atendam às necessidades dos nossos clientes, sempre priorizando a qualidade e a satisfação em cada refeição.

Projetos Alimentares

Oferecemos alimentos preparados para consumo em casa.

Two people are preparing a meal in a kitchen. There is a pot with dry spaghetti, a jar with herbs, and a bowl of greens on the counter. A package of multigrain crispbread is visible, along with a cutting board topped with crispbread, tomato sauce, cheese, and arugula. A bunch of tomatoes is placed in the foreground.
Two people are preparing a meal in a kitchen. There is a pot with dry spaghetti, a jar with herbs, and a bowl of greens on the counter. A package of multigrain crispbread is visible, along with a cutting board topped with crispbread, tomato sauce, cheese, and arugula. A bunch of tomatoes is placed in the foreground.
Alimentos Frescos

Preparação de refeições saudáveis e saborosas para você.

A packet of instant noodles is in the foreground, featuring colorful packaging with an image of the prepared noodles and labeled with text. In the background, there is a white plate containing cooked rice, slices of tomato and cucumber, along with another dish that appears to be seasoned and cooked with herbs and vegetables.
A packet of instant noodles is in the foreground, featuring colorful packaging with an image of the prepared noodles and labeled with text. In the background, there is a white plate containing cooked rice, slices of tomato and cucumber, along with another dish that appears to be seasoned and cooked with herbs and vegetables.
Serviço Rápido

Entregas rápidas de pratos prontos para sua conveniência.

A trio of meals is arranged on a dark, speckled surface. On the left, a white square plate holds three pieces of grilled meat alongside slices of roasted potatoes and a cheese and vegetable-covered flatbread. The center shows a bowl filled with rich red stew topped with an egg yolk, accompanied by what appears to be rolled breadsticks. On the right, a square black plate contains a serving of rice garnished with herbs next to a mixed vegetable salad and a portion of leafy greens with meat.
A trio of meals is arranged on a dark, speckled surface. On the left, a white square plate holds three pieces of grilled meat alongside slices of roasted potatoes and a cheese and vegetable-covered flatbread. The center shows a bowl filled with rich red stew topped with an egg yolk, accompanied by what appears to be rolled breadsticks. On the right, a square black plate contains a serving of rice garnished with herbs next to a mixed vegetable salad and a portion of leafy greens with meat.
Several cardboard containers are arranged on a wooden surface, each containing a serving of food that includes slices of meat, microgreens, and grains. Wooden forks are placed in some of the containers. The containers are positioned on a white cloth.
Several cardboard containers are arranged on a wooden surface, each containing a serving of food that includes slices of meat, microgreens, and grains. Wooden forks are placed in some of the containers. The containers are positioned on a white cloth.
Qualidade Garantida

Ingredientes selecionados para garantir sabor e frescor.

Variedade Sempre

Diversos pratos para atender todos os gostos e preferências.